Benefits of Breast Massage After Childbirth

If the nursing mother is worried about the amount of milk coming out of the breast a little, try doing breast massage. There are many benefits of breast massage after giving birth that has been proven through various medical studies. Labor can be a tiring process. Body massage, including breast massage, can stimulate the body to release endorphins which cause comfort to the body. Not only that, breast massage after giving birth can trigger the body to release the hormone oxytocin which stimulates the release of breast milk. Breast massage can also make mothers feel more comfortable when breastfeeding a baby.

Various Benefits of Breast Massage After Childbirth

Here are some benefits of breast massage for those who have just given birth:
  • Launching blocked ducts

  • The ASI canal can become blocked if the ASI accumulates causing the tissue around the ASI to swell and become inflamed. This blockage is caused by the production of breast milk which is faster than the frequency of breastfeeding babies or the frequency of mothers expressing milk. To overcome the blockage and launch breast milk, do a breast massage after giving birth. The trick, massage the outside of the breast, slowly to the middle or nipple. In addition, you can try to compress the breast with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Prevents breast pain when breastfeeding

  • According to research, doing breast massage after giving birth can reduce pain while breastfeeding. The massage can be done twice a day, each for 30 minutes.
  • Improve the quality of breast milk

  • Breast massage after giving birth can also increase the amount of nutritional content in breast milk, especially if done from the first day of labor until 11 months later. Fat, casein, and energy are some of the substances that increase in number with breast massage. While the amount of sodium (sodium) in breast milk will decrease.
  • Increase milk production

  • Want smooth and abundant milk production? Do not hesitate to do a breast massage after giving birth. To be more relaxed, Mother can try massaging the breasts while listening to music.
  • Other benefits

  • Breast massage after childbirth can also help prevent and treat breastfeeding problems, such as breast swelling or mastitis (infection of the breast tissue). Not only that, the baby will also suckle more.

How To Perform Breast Massage After Childbirth

Breast massage after childbirth is very easy to do for nursing mothers. The following stages:
  • Wash your hands with warm water and soap first.
  • Place four fingers of the right hand on one breast and four fingers of the left hand on the bottom. Massage in a circular pattern.
  • Also massage the sides of your breasts in a circle. You can also wrung your breasts.
  • After that, try to pat and massage the entire breast with the tips of the fingers,
  • If you want to express milk, position the index finger and thumb around the nipple (forming the letter C). Move both fingers gently until the nipple is pressed and the milk comes out. Squeeze the breasts according to the rate of the heartbeat.
  • Perform massage on the other breast.
Basically breast massage after giving birth can be done alone by nursing mothers. Make sure the massage is done gently and lightly to get maximum benefits. However, you should consult a doctor first before doing breast massage, especially if you suffer from certain medical conditions. Similarly, if there are lumps or changes in the breast.


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